Begg Shoes Loyalty: Sign In or Sign Up

Scroll down to either sign in to manage your Loyalty Account or to create a New Loyalty Account. 

How Does It Work?

Begg Shoes Loyalty Rewards is designed to be as simple as possible and works both Online and in our Stores. There are no cards, or secret passwords required and you do not need to Log In - just follow these simple steps:

1. Use the same Email address each time you purchase online or in stores

2. Click the Opt In checkbox for Loyalty Rewards at the bottom of the checkout page

3. Once earned, Loyalty Reward Vouchers will be emailed to you after 30 days*

*For full details of Begg Shoes Loyalty Rewards please visit the Loyalty Information page.



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Telephone UK: 01463239189


Live Chat: Click the Chat icon on our website to speak to us directly or leave a message  


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